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梦想成真:詹妮弗·兰多(Jennifer Landow)向她的激情又迈出了一步. Bonaventure

詹妮弗·兰多(Jennifer Landow)可以毫不犹豫地告诉任何人这件事. In fact, she is filled with pride when she does. 

She’s 46 years old, a non-traditional college student. Originally from Akron, New York, she is a mother of two children, a 12-year-old son and a 10-year-old daughter. 她是一名退伍军人,在德国生活了六年,在家得宝工作了15年. PAWS游泳教练Jennifer Landow和女儿


Soon, that list will grow. 很快,兰多将完成一件她承认自己从未想过会发生的事情. She will graduate from St. Bonaventure University with a bachelor’s degree in physical education

If there’s anything Landow has lived by, it’s that it is never too late to reach for your dreams, find a passion and put a plan into action. That is what she has done. 

“You can always go back and fulfill your dreams,” she said. “我终于找到了一份让我充满激情的工作——一份我真的、真的很喜欢参与其中的工作. Being in the physical education setting, being able to develop children, not only physically, but emotionally and cognitively. 这是一个非常有益的经历,它增加了我获得学士学位的自豪感.” 

2002年,兰多回到美国,在奥利安家得宝商店工作了几年. 在这段时间里,她发现自己对青少年教练和与孩子们一起工作很感兴趣. 

兰多曾执教过国旗橄榄球、青少年橄榄球、基督教青年会篮球和其他运动. 她目前是富兰克林维尔社区游泳队的总教练. 她还是富兰克林维尔高中游泳队的志愿者, which is combined with Olean and Portville schools. 

Pictured_Jennifer Landow ringing bell while on pilgrimage“I have always enjoyed and loved sports my entire life, 从上学到参军,我打了14年垒球. 当我做教练的时候,我发现我的激情是和孩子们一起工作,培养他们. 这就是我决定回到学校当一名体育老师的原因.” 

兰多在美国期间曾试图完成一些学校教育.S. Army, 2017年回到詹姆斯敦社区学院全职上学, where she completed two years before transferring to Bona’s.

“St. 博纳文蒂尔通过奖学金和助学金提供的经济援助使我有可能在博纳学习多年. 如果没有他们,我想我不可能完成我的学士学位。. 

In that same span, 2018年,兰多停止了零售工作,开始在当地学校系统担任代课教师,积累经验. 

“我认识许多来自富兰克林维尔中心学区的老师,他们都是博纳文蒂尔的校友,” she said. “他们对博纳旺蒂尔的教育项目赞不绝口. The school itself was very convenient for my situation. 我需要一所附近的学校,有优秀的教学项目. It was win-win for me.”

Nothing about Landow’s experience at St. Bonaventure has been typical. 没有多少大学生有她这样的责任感. Pictured_Jennifer Landow on pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy

她说:“我根本没有看到大学的整个场景。. “Once I got out of school, I would go coach varsity swim. I would leave varsity swim and go coach community swim. 我会回到家,确保孩子们做完作业,让他们准备睡觉. 然后,我会坐下来做我的功课,这会让我到午夜或更晚.” 

但这并不是说兰多没有在博纳找到自己的定位. She connected with St. Bonaventure's Veterans Services, 与其他退伍军人和非传统大学生互动. In spring of 2019, she participated in the annual Veterans to Assisi trip, which allows vets to travel to Assisi, Italy, the birthplace of St. 弗朗西斯,体验和平,接受和自我发现的时刻.

"St. 方济各在献身给上帝之前是一名军人,”她说. “这是一次有启发的经历,能够将军事方面与圣. Francis, St. Bonaventure University and my own Christianity."


“With PAC, 我们中的一些人也有机会参加了2019年秋季在Turning Stone会议中心举行的体育会议,” she said. “It was a great opportunity to meet other teacher candidates, professionals, and vendors, 并在体育项目中获得针对许多不同领域和主题的指导和研讨会.”

她也对别人产生了影响,即使她自己不知道. 兰多的故事和坚持不懈的职业道德为传统大学生树立了榜样.

To Dr. Paul Brawdy, 体育教育副教授,体育与运动研究主任, 有机会教Landow,看着她成长为一个学生和一个人,这是作为一名教育工作者如此特别的原因.

“和一个像激光一样专注于自己想要从这次经历中得到什么的人一起上课, and is willing to do whatever is necessary to get it, it’s a faculty member’s dream,” Brawdy said. “激励其他学生去发现自己内心不知道的东西, it just raises the whole level of the group.” 

So, Landow will graduate in a few days’ time. 她希望能在当地的体育部门找到一份全职教师的工作. In the meantime, she will continue her role as a substitute teacher, 作为一名教育工作者,获得更多的经验并进一步发展. 

她相信她会找到她梦寐以求的职位. It will take some time, she said. 

But Landow has found her way before. She’s confident she will do it again. 

For now, on the cusp of graduation, 她为自己的成就和未来感到骄傲. 

“我觉得我在以后的生活中所取得的成就是为我的孩子和我所指导的年轻人树立了一个好榜样, showing them that it’s never too late,” she said. “我可以说,大概在15或20年前,我从来没有想过自己能完成我的学位. It was never even in my thoughts until I started coaching. 我觉得成为年轻人的好榜样是非常重要的.” 

Brawdy envisions many things for Landow. 但最重要的是,她的性格会让她走得更远. 

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