
St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

Dr. 路加福音Togni和Dr. Drew Belfield launch a new Franciscan institute Initiative


圣的领导力. 博纳旺蒂尔大学’s 方济会的研究所 are excited to announce the institute has helped launch a new research initiative, “St. 博纳旺蒂尔 as a Reader of St. Albert the Great,” sponsoring its inaugural session at the 47th Patristics, Medieval, 和 Renaissance (PMR) Conference held at Villanova University Oct. 21-23.

This initiative brings together Franciscanists 和 Dominicanists to study both how St. 博纳旺蒂尔 relied on the writings of St. Albert 和 the shared intellectual culture of the Franciscans 和 Dominicans at the University of Paris in the mid-13th century.

路加福音Togni凯文·休斯博士.D., chair of theology at Villanova 和 director of PMR, organized the session with the 方济会的研究所’s research fellow 路加福音Togni, Ph.D., inviting three young scholars to present their research relevant to the topic 和 join the discussion: Samuel Baudinette (University of Chicago Divinity School), 安德鲁·格特纳·贝尔菲尔德, Ph.D. (St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学), 和 John Kern (Pepperdine University). 博伊德·泰勒·库尔曼博士.D., from Boston College’s Theology Department chaired the session.

Togni introduced the topic 和 the examined several places where St. 博纳旺蒂尔的 评论 on the Sentences of Peter Lombard indicated a dependence 和 conversation with St. 艾伯特的 评论.

Baudinette explained how Jean Gerson’s (15th century) distinction between affective mysticism, attributed to 博纳旺蒂尔, 和 an intellectualist mysticism, 归于阿尔伯特, contributed to an unnecessary 和 ahistorical reading of Franciscan 和 Dominican-influenced spirituality 和 their larger intellectual traditions as opposed 和 sealed off from each other.

Kern detailed 艾伯特的 developments 和 self-correction on the resurrected senses in his 句子的评论, De Resurrectione Questio de Sensibus Corporis Gloriosi 和 how 博纳旺蒂尔的 own treatment of the senses of the resurrected body display a familiarity with Albert’s writing 和 development. Finally, Gertner Belfield looked to the shared appeal to a distinct human 本质 在基督里 总结Halensis 和 Albert’s writings to shed light on commonalities in the theological vocabulary shared between Franciscan 和 Dominican scholars of the generation before 博纳旺蒂尔 和 Thomas Aquinas.

安德鲁·贝尔菲尔德,全球网赌十大网站In the lively discussion that followed between the panelists 和 audience about Franciscan 和 Dominican exchanges at Paris, two points summarized its implications. 第一个, Hughes suggested that given the physical, 文本, 和 political proximity of the mendicants at Paris, they could be considered as one mendicant 文本 community rather than two. Taylor Coolman followed with his observation that greater attention to the synchronic richness of the 1240s at Paris should balance the often genealogical approach to historical studies of philosophy 和 theology.

The next session of the “St. 博纳旺蒂尔 as a Reader of St. Albert the Great” initiative will take place at a 方济会的研究所-sponsored virtual session during the May 2023 International Congress on Medieval Studies hosted by Western 密歇根 University at Kalamazoo, 密歇根.

Three papers will contribute to the ongoing discussion. Jonathan Gaworksi (Catholic University of America) will examine 博纳旺蒂尔 和 Albert’s application of Dionysius’ concept of hierarchy to the Trinity. 格雷戈里·拉纳夫博士.D. (Dominican House of Studies) will compare the theological methods of 博纳旺蒂尔 和 Albert. 大卫·特威顿博士.D. (Marquette University) will consider the Averroist cosmological language not found in Latin translations of Averroes yet found in a tradition of Franciscan 和 Dominican writings at Paris 和 Oxford in Albert, 罗杰·培根, 和Grosseteste.

Fr. David couture, O.F.M. 帽., executive director of the 方济会的研究所, spoke to the importance of this new initiative.

“Once again the 方济会的研究所 is developing a broad partnership with researchers in the Franciscan 和 Dominican traditions around the world to highlight the influences on the thought of St. 博纳旺蒂尔. This work makes clear the ongoing 和 increasing popularity of 博纳旺蒂尔的 thought 和 his impact on theological, philosophical 和 scientific thought today,他说.

Anyone who wishes to learn more about the initiative should contact 路加福音Togni at ltogni@ycdwkj666.com.


大学简介: The nation’s first Franciscan university, St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 is a community committed to transforming the lives of our students inside 和 outside the classroom, inspiring in them a lifelong commitment to service 和 citizenship. St. 博纳旺蒂尔 was named the #5 regional university value in the North in U.S. News 和 World Report’s 2022 college rankings edition.

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