St. Bonaventure University


卡西迪·卡瓦萨斯(cassidy Kavathas)是来自纽约兰开斯特的全球网赌十大网站专业大四学生,辅修历史. 在完成一个学期的咨询编辑和WSBU-FM的总编辑和全球网赌十大网站总监之后,她担任The Bona Venture的副主编, 88.3 The Buzz where she has served for six semesters. She works as a Peer Coach and in the university’s Advancement office. 她曾为News21、tapinto great olean、The Chautauquan Daily和PolitiFact NY报道. She is a recipient of the Provost Scholarship, Catherine and Russell Jandoli奖学金和Russell Jandoli捐赠奖学金.

Pictured_Cassidey Kavathas_aSitting at a small table tucked against the wall at a Spot Coffee, I smiled at Bob McCarthy, ’76, 我翻到记者笔记本上空白的一页,点了一下笔. 一位新手记者采访了一位老兵关于他退休的事情——自从我们第一次见面以来,很多事情都发生了变化.

As a senior in high school, 在2019年的伊利县行政辩论中,我跟随麦卡锡参加了他的工作,麦卡锡是四名主持人之一. 就在那个晚上,我把我追求全球网赌十大网站的梦想与博纳旺蒂尔的教育联系起来.

如果系主任亚伦·钦贝尔第一次见到我时没有立即欢迎我加入博纳家族,我就不会在麦卡锡讲述他在《布法罗全球网赌十大网站》(the Buffalo News)工作期间的许多故事时草草写笔记.

The community at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学将我塑造成了今天的我和记者. Without the mentorship of McCarthy through numerous email chains; late nights in The Bona Venture; laughter in the DJ booth at The Buzz; and my professors, I wouldn’t have the experience I have now as a senior.

In the summer of 2022, 作家萨尔曼·拉什迪(Salman Rushdie)在肖托夸学院圆形剧场的舞台上遭到袭击时,我正坐在《全球网赌十大网站》(the chautaqua Daily)的编辑室里. Our newsroom was placed at the center of an international news story.

如果我没有读过丹尼·威尔金斯的201和202课程,我就不能马上行动起来汇报了. His mentorship made me into the writer I am. 他的采访和全球网赌十大网站发布会课程给了我信心,让我敢于直言不讳,挨家挨户地采访社区成员.

接下来的一个学期,我加入了由安妮和里奇·李经营的TAPinto Greater Olean. Fresh off of a summer of reporting, 我利用他们的课程和组织来磨练我在当地的技能,并在博纳泡沫之外进行报道. Rich Lee challenged me to take a national topic and localize it. 我一点也不知道,他的挑战将成为我记者生涯中最重要时刻的焦点.Pictured_Cassidey Kavathas_b

In 2023, 我接受了亚利桑那州立大学沃尔特·克朗凯特全球网赌十大网站与大众传播学院News21研究员的职位. I spent my last summer as a Bonaventure student in Phoenix, Arizona, reporting on America after the overturn of Roe V. Wade. 我的报道小组的故事集中在新墨西哥州,特别是德克萨斯州边境的几个城镇. 我选择了一个全国性的话题,并在地方层面进行了调查和报道. 我的报道随后通过美联社在全国范围内发表, ABC News and The Washington Post. 如果钦贝尔没有在我第一次去博纳旺蒂尔时看到我的潜力,并安排我跟随麦卡锡,这个机会是不可能实现的.

在Spot Coffee的会面让我感觉回到了原点,我写了麦卡锡在《布法罗全球网赌十大网站报》(The Buffalo News)记者生涯的结束,他问我在亚利桑那州会做些什么. When I received the Google Alert that my story was published by the AP, McCarthy was one of the first to know. As I prepare to leave Bonaventure and embark on my professional journey, 我迫不及待地想成为下一个在魔山的小大学里冒险的学生的“鲍勃·麦卡锡”.

October 2023


Pictured_Cassidey Kavathas_as news director of WSBU FM 88.3 The BuzzThe road to St. Bonaventure University is different for everyone. I like to consider my path unique. Believe it or not, I didn’t want to come to Bonaventure. 其实是我妈妈逼我去参加交流日参观学校的. 母亲总是对的,当我踏上校园的那一刻,我感觉就像回到了家.

The sense of community that surrounds Bonaventure is unlike any other. Even as a prospective student the community welcomed me. My first time on campus Aaron Chimbel, dean of the Jandoli School of Communication, went out of his way to introduce me into this family. At the time, 由于是高三学生,我一直在努力寻找全球网赌十大网站领域的实习和工作影子机会. 在我被认为是真正的邦妮之前,钦贝尔院长就联系了我们的校友网络来帮助我.

通过院长,我认识了76岁的鲍勃·麦卡锡(Bob McCarthy),他是《全球网赌十大网站》(Buffalo News)的资深政治记者. 鲍勃邀请我在2019年伊利县行政长官辩论期间在全球网赌十大网站编辑室跟随他. Just like Dean Chimbel, 在我提交大学申请之前,鲍勃就欢迎我加入博纳的大家庭. 我跟随他度过的那个晚上不仅点燃了我追求全球网赌十大网站事业的欲望,也证实了没有什么比成为博纳旺蒂尔社区的一员更好的了. 

在布法罗的KeyBank中心举行的一次招生活动和我第一次参加邦尼篮球比赛中Pictured_Cassidey Kavathas, '24, and Bob McCarthy, '76 received an unexpected surprise. 我又见到了鲍勃,这次是他的妻子安·弗林·麦卡锡,1974届毕业生. 她张开双臂欢迎我,就像任何Bonaventure的校友、学生、教职员工一样. Bob informed me that he was at the event to speak. 你可以想象,当他站在领奖台上,当着大家的面说起我时,我有多么惊讶. 正是在这次演讲中,他正式欢迎我加入博纳的大家庭, unveiling my acceptance to the university. 

作为一名大二学生,我很幸运在博纳文蒂尔拥有大量的机会. I am honored to hold the positions of news editor of our newspaper, The Bona Venture, and news director of our radio station. 我相信,如果没有Dean Chimbel对我的真诚欢迎,我不会有如此出色的表现, who shared a free T-shirt and a warm smile the first time we met. 也正是通过鲍勃·麦卡锡的指导技巧,我意识到我对全球网赌十大网站和写作的真正热爱. 

By Cassidey Kavathas
November 2021

Pictured_Cassidey Kavathas_Class of 2024_journalism major

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